Nature Club
Ages 14m - 7y
Nature Club supports and encourages keiki and their families to connect with nature and wildlife in a safe and guided way through our immersive nature program.
"Play is the royal road to childhood happiness and adult brilliance."
- Joseph Chilton Pearce
Nature Club
Sessions take place Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 - 11:30am at Nu'uanu Valley Park or Kapi'olani Park.
We’re very passionate about encouraging children to spend time outdoors, learning through play by exploring their natural world. Each week we explore a different topic and link these in with our activities. Our sessions start with free play and exploration, followed by an arts and crafts learning activity and finish with a story and more free play!
Our learners constantly have the opportunity to expand on their abilities by problem solving and building on their self-belief and resilience. Our Nature Club helps kei to become, healthy, resilient, creative and independent learners.
Booking: This program is available to book by term or drop in session.